How to Get A VA Home Loan, Even With Bad Credit

VA Home Loan Bad CeditGetting Approved Just Got Easier

Are you a Veteran looking to purchase a home or refinance, but worried that your credit may stop you?

Would you like to take advantage of today’s low interest rates?

The good news is that our VA home loan programs do allow bad credit.

Our VA home loan programs now allow you to have a credit score as low as 550.

Also, shorter waiting periods (recovery time) since major credit events like, bankruptcy, foreclosure and short sales, make it easier to get your loan approved.

As you probably already know, the VA loan allows 100% financing, so you don’t need a down payment or any equity.

That’s right, our VA home loan programs provide you with 100% financing, even with lower credit scores.

According to Experian, 679 was the national average credit score last year. So, you can have a score well below the national average and still get approved for one of our VA home loans.

VA Home Loan With Bad Credit

I am sure you know that the big banks don’t like these loans. Most big banks have minimum credit scores of 720. These banks set their credit qualifying standards very high so that they are not accused of making risky loans.

However, there are companies like ours, who represent some of the largest wholesale mortgage banks in the nation that love these loans, even specialize in them.

To keep it simple… you don’t need excellent credit, a big down payment or large amount of equity to qualify.

Are you ready to stop worrying and see what our easy to qualify for VA home loan programs can do for you?

So what are you waiting for?

Call 800-607-1941 x220.

Posted by: Brian Bush

Brian and his team have been funding Home Loans for over 28 years.
Since 1991, they have funded over 3,000 loans

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You can reach Brian at 800-607-1941 x220 or