If you are having a difficult time getting the real estate loan you need, then you have probably been told that hard money lenders offer short term real estate loans when other lenders will not.
These loans are generally used when funds are needed quickly to purchase, refinance (for cash out) or to begin or complete construction. You may take cash out of your property to pay off debts and bring delinquent loans current.
You may have heard that hard money loans are referred to as “bridge” or “band aid” loans since their primary purpose is to provide short term relief and allow the borrower to acquire, complete or stabilize a project and give them time to rebuild their credit.
Hard money lenders are primarily looking for a safe equity position. When there is sufficient equity in the property, they are willing to overlook credit problems and other qualifying issues and provide loans without a lot of restrictions.
We have a loan program for you, if you need to obtain quick financing for the following:
- Purchase
- Refinance – get cash out, pay off debts, bring delinquent loans current
- Construction – new, ground up
- Construction Completion
- Rehab/Remodel
- Bridge Financing
- Fix & Flip
Loan Program Features:
- Rates – starting in the mid 6.00% range
- Loan Amounts – from $200,000 – $12,000,000
- Lower Cost Options Available
- Higher Loan-to-values (75% and 90% on fix-n-flip)
- No Credit Score Minimum – all credit considered
- No Income Documentation Required (investor properties)
Remember, all hard money lenders are not the same. Some will be very picky, lend at lower loan-to-values, have restrictions on property types and have extremely high rates and fees.
My team and I have been funding these types of loans since 1991. We have the most flexible, cost effective loan options to offer you.
Are you ready to see what our hard money loan programs do for you?
So, what are you waiting for?
Call: 800-607-1941 x220
Posted by: Brian Bush
Brian and his team have been funding real estate loans for over 25 years.
Since 1991, they have funded over 2 Billion dollars in loans.
Reach Brian at 800-607-1941 x220
or bbush@slglends.com