Deal Saver Rescue Loans

Escue Loans

When your loan needs to get back on track quickly

If you have a transaction where the loan approval or loan documents are not being provided, give us a call and we will go to work.

We can take over the loan or act as a back-up Lender. Whatever is takes to save the transaction.

Common problems we see:

  • Credit Issues – previous bk’s foreclosures or short sales are not “seasoned” long enough even though the credit score is acceptable
  • Down payment – cannot be sourced or is not “seasoned” enough for the lender
  • Income – debt-to-income ratios are too high, the underwriter is not allowing as much income or is including extra monthly debt payments
  • Employment – employment history is not considered stable enough or cannot be verified

There is a good chance, your loan is not dead, it just needs some work.

For immediate help, call Brian at 800-607-1941 x220
or email: