Alternatives To Hard Money Loans

Are you looking for real estate financing, but pretty sure a bank will say no?

If that’s the case, then be careful. Don’t jump into the hard money arena just yet.

Most often, there are other options for you when looking for alternative financing.

When you have issues with credit, provable income, property value, property types, etc. these programs can provide some decent options.

The point is this. Most people get discouraged when are turned down by a bank or big mortgage lender and believe there only option may be hard money.

In most cases, you do have other, better options.

That’s right, there are other programs that can provide you with more flexibility, are easier to qualify for than bank loans and have better terms than hard money.

Sure, hard money has it’s place.

But doesn’t it make sense for you to look at other, better options first?

Companies like ours offer Specialty Programs that give you access to many flexible loan programs.

We work directly with some of the largest wholesale mortgage banking companies in the nation to provide these programs.

When you need a real estate loan and you need it fast, give us a call and lets discuss all of your options.

It just takes a few minutes.

So, what are you waiting for?

Posted By: Brian Bush

Brian and his team have been funding real estate loans since 1991!

Call: 800-607-1941 x220 